首页 > Personal > Game > 游戏引擎设计系列2-对象管理


template PtrData
void AddRef() // 增加引用计数
void Release() // 减少引用计数,如果为0,删除Data,同时调用ReleaseWeak
void AddRefWeak() // 增加弱引用计数
void ReleaseWeak() // 减少弱引用计数,如果为0,删除this
// 下面的两个接口时为了反射用的
Identifier & GetTypeName() // 数据类型的名称,包含反射相关信息,通过模板推导类型,调用系统RTTI接口typeid获得type_info,不同类型进行cache
void * QueryInterface(const Identifier & typeName) // 通过类型名请求相应接口,如果是本身的类型直接返回,如果不是获取反射的TypeInfo,再通过TypeInfo获取相应数据

NullPtr // 空指针
BasePtr // 基本指针,所有指针的基类
SharedPtr : BasePtr // 创建增加PtrData引用计数、释放删除PtrData引用计数
WeakPtr : BasePtr // 创建增加PtrData弱引用计数、释放删除PtrData弱引用计数,实际使用时转为SharedPtr
AutoPtr : BasePtr // 类似于SharedPtr,但是智能有一个所有者,新的赋值和构造都会删除自身的PtrData的所有权
TempPtr : BasePtr // 不增加任何PtrData引用计数,一般用于参数传递,不需要保证数据的有效性时,实际使用时转为SharedPtr


TempPtr(void) Owner // 用来保存指向对象的智能指针

/// check
template struct is_pointer { enum { result = false }; };
template struct is_pointer { enum { result = true }; };
template struct is_reference { enum { result = false }; };
template struct is_reference { enum { result = true }; };
template struct is_const { enum { result = false }; };
template struct is_const { enum { result = true }; };

/// remove
template struct remove_reference { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_reference { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_pointer { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_pointer { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_const { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_const { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };
template struct remove_all { typedef T result; };

/// to variable type
template struct to_variable_type { typedef T result; };
template struct to_variable_type { typedef T result; };
template struct to_variable_type { typedef T result; };

/// to param type
template struct to_param_type { typedef const T & result; };
template struct to_param_type { typedef T & result; };
template struct to_param_type { typedef const T & result; };

/// to reference type
template struct to_reference_type
typedef T & result;
static inline result cast(T * ptr) { return *ptr; }

template struct to_reference_type
typedef T & result;
static inline result cast(T * ptr) { return *ptr; }

template<> struct to_reference_type
typedef void* & result;
static inline result cast(void * ptr) { return *(void**)ptr; }

/// select
template struct select { typedef T1 result; };
template struct select { typedef T2 result; };

/// cast to
template struct can_cast_to
static FROM & source_object();
static int return_type(TO &);
static char return_type(…);
result = sizeof(int) == sizeof(return_type(source_object()))

/// select type name
template struct typename_fromrtti
static inline const Identifier & result()
static bool initialized = false;
static Identifier name;
if (!initialized)
Identifier rtti(TypeName(typeid(T)));
InterlockedExchange((long*)&rtti, InterlockedExchange((long*)&name, *(long*)&rtti));
initialized = true;
return name;

struct ChangeTypeName {};
template struct ChangeTypeName : public ChangeTypeName { typedef T TypeName; };
template struct change_typename { typedef T result; };
template struct change_typename { typedef typename T::TypeName result; };

template struct select_typename
typedef typename remove_all::result RT;
typedef typename_fromrtti::result>::result> result;

template<> struct select_typename
typedef typename_fromrtti result;

template struct typename_of : public select_typename::result

#define TYPE_NAME(className) typename_of::result()
#define ptr_new by_value << new #define ptr_new_reference by_reference << template struct default_impl
static inline PtrData * by_value(T * value) { return new PtrData(value); }
static inline PtrData * by_reference(T * value) {return new PtrData(value); }

template struct object_impl
static inline PtrData * by_value(T * value) { return new PtrData(value); }
static inline PtrData * by_reference(T * value) {
if (value) {
IPtrData * ret = value->Owner().GetRawPtrData();
if (ret){ ret->AddRef(); return ret; } else return by_value(value); }
return NULL;

template struct ptrdata_impl
static inline IPtrData * by_value(T * value) { return value; }
static inline IPtrData * by_reference(T * value)
{ value->AddRef(); return value; }

interface UsePtrData {};
template struct UsePtrData : public UsePtrData { typedef T PtrDataType; };
template struct select_impl
typedef typename select< can_cast_to::result,
typename select< can_cast_to::result,
>::result result;

enum BY_VALUE { by_value };
enum BY_REFERENCE { by_reference };

template inline SharedPtr operator << (BY_VALUE, T * value) { =return SharedPtr(value, select_impl::result::by_value(value)); };

template inline SharedPtr operator << (BY_REFERENCE, T * value) { return SharedPtr(value, select_impl::result::by_reference(value));};

